7 Tips for Staying Sane at Home—From an American Living in China

Just as things are getting better here in China, COVID-19 is really ramping up in America.

I can’t give you any more advice as to how to stay safe that you haven’t heard already (wash your hands for at least 20 seconds, don’t touch your face, avoid crowded places, etc…) but I do have some tips if you want to stay sane during the extensive amount of time you’ll probably be staying at home.

Here are 7 Ways to Maintain Sanity While Being Stuck at Home

1. Keep a good sleeping schedule.

Don’t let yourself waste away from oversleeping every day.

2. Set some productive goals you can accomplish at home.

Whether it be finally organizing your Christmas decorations in storage or cleaning the dreaded floor underneath the refrigerator. I’m sure we all can make a list.

3. Set some skills-based goals you can practice.

For me, I wanted to develop a pasta sauce that I’m proud of. I made several batches over several days, but I think I’m finally there.

Josh Lamm
Josh Lamm
Josh Lamm is a Virginia native living in Chengdu, China with his wife, Caroline and their dog, Pinky. When he's not teaching kindergarteners, he loves to be outside, explore new things, and play video games.

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