Add This to Your Mom Tool Box: How to Introduce Young Kids to Chores

If you are like me, you spend your days doing chores, picking up the same crap over and over again, every. single. day. This gets so old, so fast, and while it is part of the job description, I don’t believe in being a slave to my family’s messes.

About a year ago, when Piper came along, Addie really took an interest in helping me. Unfortunately, a lot of the things she wanted to do she couldn’t because she was too small. This led me to come up with a few daily chores that not only she could do on her own, but also that were helpful to me throughout the day.

When choosing chores for your little ones I have a few tips:

1) Keep their abilities in mind. Try not to give them a task that is too daunting and will frustrate them. Chores are already lacking in the fun department and adding frustration to the task will only make them less inclined to do theirs with a good attitude.

Ashley McCardia
Ashley McCardia
Ashley McCardia is a homeschooling mom of 2 little girls who blogs at A Party of Four, offering tips on raising kids, being married and all the nitty gritty things jammed in between. For more on what's happening with Ashley's Party of Four, you can follow her on Facebook, Pinterest, Twitter, and Instagram.

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