Maybe I’m the only one who has days where I feel ugly, fat, and stupid. But I’m guessing if you arrived at this post, you probably feel that way too.
Some days, for no particular reason at all, I wake up in the morning and just feel blah. Inferior. Incapable. Unable to move past the voices lying to my heart.
I feel Ugly.
I feel Fat.
I am Stupid.
I try not to compare myself to other women, and I avoid the ‘keeping up with the Joneses’ game as much as I can. But my enemy knows where I’m most vulnerable, and my Achilles heel is not feeling good enough. My weakness is wondering whether I’m doing enough and whether I myself am enough. So that’s where he attacks. His plan to defeat me often involves degrading my appearance, and he’s done it since I was 12. I know this about him, but knowing doesn’t always prevent believing.
Where does Satan attack you? Maybe he doesn’t tell you you’re ugly, fat, or stupid, but maybe he tells you you’re a terrible wife. A distant mother. A sub-par business owner. Maybe he whispers that your personality is boring, or your giftedness is a joke. Maybe he reminds you of a decision you made eight years ago, or perhaps he whispers fears to project into your future.
One thing I’m sure of, though? He’s whispering, and you’re listening.
Did you know that listening doesn’t mean you must agree? Did you know that hearing a lie doesn’t mean accepting it as truth?
Sometimes I forget.
Right now, think of one whisper you’ve taken to heart. Just one. There are probably more, and you can name them later. But for now, focus on the loudest lie and bring it to the light.
Here’s what I want you to say about it:
Satan, you say I am _____, but God says that in Jesus, I am the righteousness of God (2 Cor.5:21). This means that despite how you want me to feel, my reality is that I’m accepted by my Maker. I am cleansed by my Creator. I am made new by my Redeemer.
Satan, you want me to feel ______, but God says, “Do not be afraid, for I am with you” (Isaiah 41:10). My feelings are strong, but my faith is stronger, and my faith is in the One who will never leave me. I’m rejecting the fear you’re trying to make me feel, and I’m choosing instead to focus on the presence of Christ in me.