You see, I realized that I had helped my daughter do something REALLY big…by doing a lot of LITTLE things. The car rides, the book reading, the many therapy games we played…they all added up.
And all those things I felt BAD about not loving, but did anyway? Cleaning up puke, rocking a baby in the middle of the night, gentle but messy diaper changes, and dressing a squirmy child to protect them from the elements? All those little things added up, too. Every little gentle touch, whether I LOVED it or not, was done IN LOVE….and every little touch MATTERED.
My oldest! The kid who made me a mom!
All of that mattered just as much as helping my daughter overcome her developmental delays. I’m just sorry it took going through such a trial for me to realize it.
When I saw this video from Pampers, honoring moms on Mother’s Day for doing ALL those little, unseen things (especially the ones that happen in the middle of the night!!), I was reminded of my epiphany, my heart-change.
I was reminded that on Mother’s Day 2012, 5 years ago, my 9th Mother’s Day, I truly was able to relax and be celebrated.
Because that was the year I realized that you don’t have to LOVE every moment of motherhood to be an amazing mom.
What you have to do is show up in the big AND little moments, because your children need you for one just as much as for the other—and Mamas? I deserve to be celebrated this Mother’s Day—and so do you.
Every moment with these three matters!
Happy Mothers Day, dear Mamas! You are amazing, and every little thing you do MATTERS.