Today wasn’t a good day for me.
You know, those days when everything is out of place? Nothing is in order and you’re so out of it, you don’t even feel like yourself? On top of all that, you make things worse by procrastinating the entire day? Yeah, it was one of those days.
I’m under the weather and I’m sleep deprived of my own volition. I have tons of work and deadlines that won’t budge. My house is a disaster and I have an infinite amount of dirty laundry.
It’s not anything new in the list of everyday [mom] tasks, but I think it’s the combination of ALLTHETHINGS that weighs me down like I have a ticking time bomb on my back. I barely managed to survive until the end of my work day.
But, instead of working past 5pm, I shut off my laptop and went down to the basement.