My Life Isn’t Going To Be Spotless Right Now

My life isn’t going to be spotless right now.

I’m in the trenches raising littles, and my house is a mess. My look is a mess. I’ve been working all day and you can hardly tell. But my home is lived in. My heart is full. And my children are safe and prayed over and loved.

Yet, as parents we still get this notion that we can do all the parenting things, while keeping ourselves and our homes in tip-top condition along the way.

Well, friend, that’s just nonsense.

No, playing make-believe makes messes. And those cookies they begged for always leave crumbs.

The bathroom sink shows they’ve been washing up, and dirty dishes are evidence of meals served.

The laundry is piled high from our adventures. And all that’s left to finish will eventually get done.

And even though some of us try our best to keep tidying everything up along the way, our littles can still find a magic marker or cup of water or anything else that’ll spill or drip all over them and on me, too.

I see some of my friends living their “picture perfect” lives with babes, and I’m totally in awe. But that’s not my world right now. And it’s totally okay.

Yes, it can be frustrating as all get out, but I’m learning to let some things go and lean into grace.

Because I’d always rather have all the messy if it means I get to have my babies.

I’m okay knowing my life just isn’t going to be spotless right now.


Jaclyn Warren
Jaclyn Warren
Jaclyn Warren is a stay-at-home mommy of four on mission to encourage parents to savor the meaningful in the midst of the messy. Take your 15 minutes; it’s your turn for timeout. You can join her at, on Facebook at Mommys15minutes by Jaclyn Warren or Instagram at

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