Mama, Stop Believing The Lie That You Have to Be ‘Savoring Every Moment’ of This Pandemic

Omg why does this towel smell so bad?? Gross. Didn’t I just wash this thing??

Place another Target order … OK, these pajama pants look amazing. I need these. No, you don’t be sensible. [adds five boxes of fudge brownies to cart instead]

Reschedule every appointment known to man, then reschedule again and repeat for the foreseeable future.

Sit down. Work. Kidding. Toddler needs a snack. The kids are shooting nerf guns at each other and one is running around naked. Pretty sure my house may not be standing much longer. Fix it, Jesus.

My point? We all handle things differently, but whatever you are feeling, you are OK.

It’s OK if you are tired. If you’re tapped out and waving the white flag. It’s OK if your kids are driving you crazy and today you are just over everything.

So you weren’t your best today … I wasn’t either, sis but you’re doing just fine. This isn’t easy. This is uncharted territory for us all. Do what works for you.

No judgments. No pretense. I’m with you, even if today that looks like just surviving.


This post originally appeared at They Whine, so I Wine, published with permission.

Jennifer Thompson
Jennifer Thompson
Jennifer is a working mom, blogger, wife, and mama to one rambunctious little boy. Surviving motherhood with a good laugh, dance parties, lots of coffee and a glass of wine. Follow along with her blog for the not so perfect, unorganized and unfiltered working mom at

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