- Untreated depression
- A recent trauma or crisis.
- A peer who has committed suicide (Commonly called Copy Cat Suicide)
- Feeling of hopeless
- Bullying
Actions to Take
- Stay calm. Listen. Don’t judge. Do not minimize the child’s pain.
- Take the threat seriously.
- Don’t leave the individual alone.
- Ask, “Are you thinking about suicide?”
- Be concerned for the child’s well-being.
- Reassure the child that they will not feel this way forever. There is hope.
- Remove items that could be used for self-harm
- DON’T keep it a secret. Get help.
Things we can do right now to help all our kids
~Show interest in them and their lives.
~Love them unconditionally.
~Spend time together.
~Remind them they are created for a purpose on purpose by a God who loves them.
~Offer support yet avoid rescuing from struggles so he can build up perseverance and resiliency.
~Teach your child problem solving skills.
Suicide is a permanent action for a temporary problem. Our kids need to know they are valuable, precious, their life matters to us and to God. There is hope.
Whether or not the Blue Whale App is fake news or not,
suicide is a reality among our young people.
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