We don’t know how to do this.
I said this to my college student a few days ago: “none of us knows how to do this.”
None of us knows how, exactly, to do a pandemic or full-blown online school or social isolation or travel bans or supply shortages or stock market crashes or cancellations by the minute or quarantines or normal life not just interrupted but halted in its tracks.
What if? What about? When? How?
Amid all the questions, though, there are answers. Amid all the uncertainties, there are certainties.
Amid all that we don’t know how to do, there is what we do know how to do—and, blessedly, can get better at.
Love. Patience. Kindness. Grace. Gentleness. Giving. Prayer. Gratitude. Encouragement. Hope.
These are the things we know. And these are the things that what we don’t know can teach us so much more about.