Alia Joy is the daughter of both a book lover and a storyteller and in that she was destined to be a writer. She is a collector of words, speaker, and homeschooling mother of three making her home in Central Oregon with her husband, Josh, her mother, a bunny, and a bunch of chickens. She shares her life with readers of her blog- -weaving beauty throughout even the most broken of stories. Her work touches on so many of the hurts of today's women- depression and abuse, race and culture, body image and the hard work of seeing God's glory in the mess. Alia's unique perspective and raw vulnerability make her an approachable voice, a place to come and say, "me too." She is also a regular monthly contributor at (in)courage, SheLoves Magazine, GraceTable, The Mudroom, and Deeper Waters. She is currently at work on her first book.