Leslie Lambeth-Kohlmeyer

Leslie Lambeth-Kohlmeyer is a native Kansas Citian,  who lives in the heart of downtown. She is a Graduate of UNCW ("A very long time ago" she says.) Currently she is working for Academie Lafayette Charter School.  She is a mom of three and a wife of one. She has this to say about herself: I'm a writer, mother, artist juggler, comedian. I write because things are in me that I need to get out. Writing is something I can't seem to ever escape, it's in my nature and my DNA. The only thing rivaling it is motherhood. My three babies are my joy. My husband and I cherish each moment we are given with these people and we cherish all that they are becoming. Bring their mother is such a privilege. I write mostly about my children and what it means to be their mom. All of the crazy, funny, and sometimes difficult things that come along with being a parent.

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