Tara Ahrens, from Fort Wayne, IN is a “regular ol’ mom” of 4 spirited, messy, hilarious children. The boys are 16 and 15, the girls are 10.5 (because that 1/2 year matters, Mom) and 6. This is her first time in 17 years that she has not had a little human at home, bossing her around all day, as the little one is off to Kindergarten. She has been married to a boy she met in 3rd grade for 17.5 years. They are a foster family for For the Love of a Boxer boxer rescue. They enjoy squishing everyone into small vehicles and driving across the county to camp and explore our National Parks. Now that she finally has some time to herself, Tara enjoys cottage gardening, restoring their old home, and reading books, wearing a pile of cats (4, rescues). She is passionate about raising kids who are people of principle but more importantly, people of change. See more from Tara on her