I’ve Got a Tale As Old As Time For Ya Right Here, and All Moms Will Recognize It

  • Do you consider yourself to be a stubborn person? What things (or people) will make you dig in your heels and refuse to bend?
  • Has God tried to tell you or teach you something more than once in your spiritual journey?
  • How can you help yourself remember to listen with a soft heart, to be slower to speak, and to put others first?

But they did not obey or incline their ear, but walked in their own counsels

and the stubbornness of their evil hearts, and went backward and not forward.

Jeremiah 7:24


This post is an excerpt from TALES AS OLD AS TIME: Lessons on God’s Love Inspired by Beauty & the Beast. If you’d like to read more of this short devotional, visit beautyandthebeastdevo.com.”

Mary Carver
Mary Carverhttp://givinguponperfect.com
Mary Carver is a recovering perfectionist, wife, and mom of two daughters who blogs about family, faith, food, books, and sometimes her favorite TV shows at her blog, Giving Up on Perfect. For more Mary, you can follow her on Facebook, Pinterest, or Twitter.

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