Charlottesville One Year Later: The Rally You Won’t See on The News

What you didn’t see was the only group given permission to gather on the Downtown Mall on this weekend of remembrance.

On Sunday night, underneath the Sprint Pavilion, hundreds gathered for what leaders called the Better Together Rally. The peaceful gathering was a composed of members of several churches in the Charlottesville area, who joined together in prayer for a better tomorrow.

“We’re going to mourn together. We’re going to repent and take a posture of humility, and then we’re going to rejoice because we have hope that we believe that Charlottesville cannot be known of a place of division, but a place of unity,” Senior Pastor Tony Schiavone spoke to the crowd.

The Better Together Rally is the Reminder we ALL need to leave a legacy in our cities–Not one of racism, but one of revival.

Check out coverage from last night’s Better Together events, here.

Bri Lamm
Bri Lamm
Bri Lamm is the Editor of An outgoing introvert with a heart that beats for adventure, she lives to serve the Lord, experience the world, and eat macaroni and cheese all while capturing life’s greatest moments on one of her favorite cameras. Follow her on Facebook.

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