Parents, Don’t Gloss Over the Ugly Parts of Easter

3. Focus on the meaning

You don’t have to talk about the death, the torture, the cross as center. You can talk about the reason Jesus died, the events leading up to the death and the most important part—the empty tomb!

4. The Lord’s Supper

If your kids are old enough and your church tradition is OK with it, have The Lord’s Supper, or communion, with your kids. Jesus used it as an object lesson to show that his body would be broken and his blood poured out. You can use it as an object lesson, too! (This is day 4 in the Sense of the Resurrection devotional!)

5. Take the Bible’s lead

Mark 15:24 says of Jesus’ death, “and they crucified him.” That’s it. No details. It’s not so much about what they did to Him, it’s what He did for us: “‘It is finished.’ With that, he bowed his head and GAVE up his spirit” (John 19:30). It’s not about what happened to Him but about what He did for us.

Go gently into this hard topic, yes. But boldly into the miracle, love and gift of the topic, too. It’s not so much how you talk to your kids about Jesus’ death—it’s just important that you do! Jesus loves your kids and died for them. Just like he loves and died for you!

If you need a tool to help you and your kids celebrate these short few weeks before Easter, pick up my eBook A Sense of the Resurrection. It will lead you through simple, age-appropriate ideas to celebrate and understand the hard and wonderful parts of the Easter story!

Amanda White
Amanda White
Amanda White is the Jesus-loving wife and mom of two kids who blogs at to help you impress God’s Word on your kids’ hearts. She also wrote the best-selling ebook, Truth in the Tinsel: An Advent Experience for Little Hands. It's an awesome advent tool, and way less creepy than the Elf on the Shelf. And what's even better than the Easter Bunny? Amanda's newest ebook: A Sense of the Resurrection: an Easter Experience for Families.

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