Seeking God at the Dinner Table

“And how did you see God?” I prompted her.

“I saw God while I was swimming!” She smiled confidently.

I was a tad disappointed. Did I not explain it right? Then she continued . . .

“You see, I was swimming in the deep end which is kinda like faith. It requires trust to jump in. It’s scary at first, trusting God can be scary, but my oh my, is it worth it. Some of the littler kids were playing in the shallow end thinking it’s the best to hang out in shallow places because it’s all they know. But once they develop faith, they’ll learn that there’s so much more to life in the deep end, but it will require trust to jump in.”

What. In. The. World. Yes!

WHEN YOU SEEK GOD, (imagine me smiling confidently as I type) YOU’LL FIND HIM!

Where did you see God today? Answering the question can jumpstart your seeking. Asking those closest to you will give you new ways to see them and help them grow. And you’ll see God in the ways that others are seeking Him too.

Taken from Meant for Good by Megan Fate Marshman. Copyright © 2020 by Megan
Fate Marshman. Used by permission of Zondervan.

Megan Fate Marshman
Megan Fate Marshman
Megan Fate Marshman loves God and His church. She is the author of Meant for Good (Zondervan), a teaching pastor at Willow Creek Community Church, leads the women’s ministry at Arbor Road Church, and serves as Director of Women’s Ministries at Hume Lake Christian Camps. Megan delights in sharing Jesus at churches, conferences, universities, and around dinner tables. She currently lives in southern California with her husband and two boys.

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