Growing up, I was my daddy’s “little girl”—his one and only. I have two older brothers and my dad loves to tell me how happy he was when the doctor told him, “it’s a girl!” You see, since I’m so old that ultrasounds weren’t a thing when I was born, my gender was a complete surprise. I definitely grew up knowing I was cherished, and as I reached dating age, my dad, like most dads of daughters, was undoubtedly nervous, but thank the Lord above and my parents for instilling me with values, I made really good choices when it came to who to date and eventually, who I married.
But the thing is, I had a really great example of how I should be loved, because my dad loved (and still loves) my mom so very well.
This sentiment—that dads of daughters should show them how a woman should be treated in a relationship by example—is the subject of a recent Facebook post I came across by Nicole Merritt of Jthreenme. She says it much better than I could, and her words resonated with me, making me once again thankful for the example my dad set for me and for the example I see my husband setting for my daughter.
She says:
“To all of the men with daughters:
The mere thought of your little girl having a “boyfriend” must make you crazy; it does me, and I am just her mother.
That little 6 lb 9 oz angelic princess you brought home seven years ago, will probably have a “crush” within the next couple of years, and a boyfriend just a few years after that. That is terrifying.
The good news, though, is that you are able to show her all that she deserves from a man.
Relationships and marriages are hard, and that is a truth that your daughter will learn one day. They are challenging for all people, including the kindhearted and well-intentioned.
The best (and probably the hardest) thing that you can do for your daughter is to model for her how a woman should be treated.
Your young daughter is impressionable, and unfortunately, she is going to learn from the movies, television shows, magazines, social media, and her friends, what love looks and sounds like — or so she’ll think.
More likely, however, is that what she will be “picking up” outside of her home will be so far from “real” and “right” love.
You, and only you, can combat this — by treating her mother well and loving her mother hard.
It all starts at home — with you and your wife.
Today and all days, respect your wife.
Hold her hand at every chance you get and kiss her a lot.