When You’re Struggling to Embrace the Next Season

Yes, I was excited and proud to see him graduate from college and move forward with his life.  However, the tears welled up, and I wrestled once again with another season coming to an end. A season I loved and adored.  I was convinced the next season of life could never be as good as the last.

Then my friend’s precious words from long ago rang in my head reminding me

“The next seasons of life are good too!”

Even though I had a lifetime of examples of how each stage had been good I didn’t want to recognize this truth.



Just the other day I received this text out of the blue from my son who now works full-time.







So those words from long ago can ring true and the next season of life can be just as good.  He has grown into a man who is hardworking, has a life of his own but remains kind, caring and still wants a little time with his mom now and then.

Embrace the new season while cherishing the memories of the last one. 

So all of you momma’s out there struggling to let go of the season you love – listen up.

 Of course, sometimes we find ourselves in seasons that are challenging and painful but even in those – good can come from them. We only have this moment guaranteed –  so do not waste it living in the past or future seasons.

Are you struggling to let go of a season?

This article originally appeared at Embracing the Unexpected.

Maree Dee
Maree Dee
Maree Dee is a Writer | Speaker | Advocate - passionate about “Embracing Life In The Midst Of The Unexpected.” She is a work in progress, accepting God’s grace and mercy every day. Maree believes together with God we can find incredible blessings along the way - even in the midst of the unexpected. Drop by and visit her at  www.embracingtheunexpected.com/  She can also be found on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and Embracing Faith and Mental Illness from a Caregiver’s Perspective.

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