Last year my daughter entered middle school, and I saw a need to encourage her in the fight against the pressure of air-brushed beauty. So I began a mother-daughter Bible study on true beauty and body image for my daughter and her friends. I don’t consider myself a gifted youth leader, but this is where God has me, and I want to seize the opportunity to influence these precious young women. In a few short years, my daughter will be gone, and I don’t want to regret not seizing the opportunities to invest in her life.
Whatever your age or stage, God is at work in and through you. Don’t lose sight of his purpose as you pick up toys for the [10th] time, or as you drive your child to soccer practice, again. A welcoming and orderly home — not to be confused with an immaculate one — can teach your children about the beauty and order of God’s creation. Daily carpool rides offer moments to ask your teens about their day. As you attempt to draw out their hearts, you have an opportunity to demonstrate Christ’s tender love and care. You may not receive a paycheck for your work, but you’re shaping souls for eternity.
Whether you’re an exhausted mom of babies, preschoolers, school-age kids, or teens, grab hold of the opportunity God is giving you to affect the next generation. A posture of love and joy will yield more opportunities than you can imagine. “So whether you eat or drink [or change diapers, or drive carpools, or cook dinner], or whatever you do, do all to the glory of God” (1 Cor. 10:31). Our King is magnified as we serve our families with joy and purpose, trusting he’s at work in the mundane moments of our lives.