‘I Want to Foster but I Don’t Know Where to Start’— 7 Tips to Help You on Your Journey

5. Decide which profile of children you plan to take.

If applicable, it’s a good idea to begin discussing with your spouse what profile of children you will take. Yes, you can specify this! This will look different for everyone. Are you open to babies? Older children? Fire starting? Sexually abused? Physical disabilities? Daily medication? The list is endless. The bottom line is you have to be comfortable with the situations that you take on. If you take on more than you’re comfortable with, you’re doing yourself, the child, and the foster care system a disservice. It’s essential to be on the same page as your spouse so that when those calls come in, you know the answer.

6. Prepare your family and friends.

Fostering is an extended family commitment and quite frankly it makes some people very uncomfortable. You might not have a great relationship with your extended family and that is okay. However you do need to think about who your support system will be… and you will need them! Think through friends, coworkers, church members, etc. You preservice classes are a great way to meet other foster parents as well; you can really lean on each other.

7. Start the home study process.

This is sometimes a long process and is fairly detailed, as it should be. You’ll be interviewed by a caseworker multiple times, fill out tons of paperwork, have your doctor sign off, provide proof of income (just proof that you can pay you bills and aren’t fostering for the money…which I have never understood because the money is very little!), have a home inspection, a fire inspection, and so much more. Again, each agency is different, but you get the general idea.

If you’re considering fostering, I would encourage you to talk to your spouse and look into it! Start with step number one, attend an informational meeting. There is no pressure and no commitment, but it’s a great first step to living your life on purpose.


This post originally appeared at Mankins Party of Seven, published with permission.

Autumn Mankins
Autumn Mankinshttp://autumnmankinsweddings.com/blog
Autumn is a stay-at-home-mom turned stage designer. She works for a nonprofit and loves her job. Recently a published author in Brooke Taylor’s Choose Hope, she has a reignited passion for encouraging women in all seasons of life with her words. She loves taking broken things and making them beautiful again. A firm believer that in God’s will is the safest place to be, she faithfully trusts in the Lord’s plan and in His timing. Foster care and adoption advocate, wife to the love of her life, mother to her two beautiful children.. but most of all, she is a child of the one true King.

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