Six Tips For Sad and Hard Days With Your Kids

Do you ever feel down? Blue? Like life is too hard?

I’ve learned a few things that help me in these moments of feeling downhearted.

Six Tips for Sad or Hard Days

1. Take Care of Yourself | I made myself take a walk today even though I didn’t feel like it. Getting outside is good for my spirits. You might eat good food, do yoga, go to bed a little early, watch a funny movie, or take a bath.

2. When a Task Feels too Hard, Choose Another Task | Turn off the computer. My work is primarily creative, which means I use my mind and energy to write, plan/record videos, and work on presentations. This week I’ve had a very hard time thinking clearly and mustering up the energy to create something new. Days like this, it’s best to put the computer away and either choose more passive work (read articles and books) OR do something completely physical. I’m in the midst of decluttering Wogayu’s room which is a good alternative to thinking creatively.

3. Surround Yourself with Truth | Read helpful books (for me, the Bible and books like this one), listen to encouraging music, and talk with good friends who love you and speak the truth. Writing favorite quotes or Bible verses on post-its and sticking them above the kitchen sink is always good for me. Make a gratitude list adding more to it each day.

4. Surround Yourself with Beauty | Pick or buy flowers (I bought pink tulips), light candles, take that walk I mentioned above. If you have time, plan a day trip somewhere beautiful. Sit in your yard with a mug of coffee or tea.

5. Keep Life Simple | This is especially true if your low state lasts more than a few days. Cut out unnecessary tasks, cook simple food, make room in your days to breathe. If you are grieving, be gentle with yourself – it’s a long journey.

Lisa Qualls
Lisa Qualls
Lisa Qualls is a writer, speaker, mom of 12, and the creator of Thankful Moms, where she writes about motherhood, adoption, faith, and grief. Lisa is a mom by birth and adoption. Along with her husband Russ, their adoption journey has been marked by joy as well as challenges of trauma and attachment. You can visit her blog here, and connect with her on Facebook here.

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