When My Kid Met the “Mean Kid”—and the Golden Rule—On Halloween

And from that moment on, this little angry boy became this innocent child in need. A boy who was without. And when we learn how people are hurting, that changes how we perceive them to be. My son understood this truth and he learned that treating others how you would want to be treated- feels good and right and good again.

We decided to take this on as a tradition with our new Golden rule every year at our school. The next year, I sent my daughter off to school with TWO costumes. One for any kid without a costume, and my daughter would wear the other. In the car we talked about what a great idea this is and how we should do it every year. I reminded my son of last year’s generous act and how that was such a great gift to this boy.  I brought more costumes in each year- to both of my kids’ classroom Halloween parties. There I would find kids who had forgotten theirs or didn’t have one to wear. Each year, I found eyes sunken down in despair and eyes light up when I revealed a bag of costumes brought for them to wear.  In that moment, when all the other kids are excited and showing off their costumes, when all the kids are rushed with excitement about this special occasion, there were always a few who sunk, sullen, in need.

It may have been just one day, one costume that one kid got to wear…

But this Golden rule made a difference on that day.

Because we brought extra costumes to share, we were able to help children who were without- and in that moment and on that day, it made all the difference in the world.

 Our tradition lived on until both my kids graduated from grade school.

This is the first year, I won’t be bringing costumes to school for a Halloween party. My youngest is now in middle school. Sigh…

Perhaps YOU can carry on our tradition and bring a bag of extra costumes to YOUR school?Maybe making a new Golden rule. Or send along one extra costume with your child.

It might just make one kid’s day. 


This article originally appeared at TheMomCafe.com.

Christine Carter
Christine Carter
Christine Carter is a SAHM of two pretty amazing kids. She has been writing at TheMomCafe.com for six years, where she hopes to encourage mothers everywhere through her humor, inspiration and faith. You can also find her work on For Every Mom, Blunt Moms, Sammiches and Psych Meds, Mamapedia, Her View From Home, Huffington Post, MomBabble, and Scary Mommy. She is the author of "Help and Hope While You're Healing: A woman's guide toward wellness while recovering from injury, surgery, or illness." You can follow Christine on Twitter, Facebook, Google Plus, and Pinterest.

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