Every morning gives us a fresh start. A new day to start over and to make our way. We have things to do, a list of things to accomplish and complete. And, as moms, we have lots of “behind the scenes” work that never gets noticed unless of course it doesn’t get done, then everyone seems to notice. It feels like we are just never enough. I get it. I have the same horrible thoughts sometimes.
I pack a lunch with love but forget the spoon for the fruit cup…
I wash, dry, and fold the laundry, but accidentally ruin the new ear buds that were left in the pocket…
I clean the entire house, then see the streaks on the windows…
I plan, shop, and cook the meal, but forget about the French bread until I smell the charred loaf…
I work out and count calories but the skinny jeans I splurged on pre-4th baby still won’t go on past my knees…
I give up diet Dr. pepper, but I still don’t drink enough water…
I buy gummy bears when they asked for gummy worms…
I make time to spend with each child, but in doing so neglect my husband and my own basic needs…
It can feel like an unreachable goal, to please everyone. And I am a pleaser, so this is hard. One day while scrolling through Pinterest reading colorful posts that promise 10 days to flat abs and “Best Ever Roasted Chicken!” my eyes stopped on a quote by Augusten Burroughs:
“I myself am made entirely of flaws, stitched together with good intentions”
I embraced this as I read it. I wanted to have it put on a t-shirt, or embroider it on a pillow (if I only knew how)! This was totally me! I wanted so badly to fulfill my best intentions, but somehow I always came up short.
I should try harder, I thought. Just learn from my mistakes, be more organized, delegate jobs, make lists, set goals, get up earlier, pray more, pray harder, pray longer, just pray!!!
I mean, none of those are bad things. But, to me, these just added to the list of things I won’t be able to do.
For me, it was a change of mind that changed everything.
Several times in my adult life as a believer, I have had people speak a word over me;
I never received it. I would hear it, and dismiss it, knowing myself to be far from it.