Are you kind? Are you gentle? Are you giving? Are you loving? I am.
You don’t have to be proud of who you were to be proud of who you are now. It takes a matter of seconds to change. The power of replacing one negative thought or comment with a positive one is life altering. The power of surrounding yourself with people and circumstances that bring out the best in you is unimaginable. Take a look at your daily life and interactions, and if changes need to be made, make them. It is as simple as you allow it to be.
A friend came to visit me recently and after several hours she turned to me and said “You haven’t said a single bad word about anyone this entire time.” It caught me off guard. My first reaction was “Well, of course not, why would I?” But then I remembered, Oh… because I might have before. It is so easy to be a “mean girl,” to join in on the discussion and disassembly of another person for the sake of “conversation” and gossip. But I can honestly tell you, it is even easier to be a “nice girl.” In fact, once you stop talking about “people” you realize how enjoyable real conversations actually are. Ideas, ideals, places, beliefs…
I’m not trying to preach; I am an imperfect person, living an imperfect life and simply trying to leave behind the best legacy I can. And I think you should too. Because every day isn’t certain… and all I can say is I am thankful I was given another opportunity, and maybe part of the reason for that opportunity is to spread this message.
Live. Put your phone down. Talk to the person in front of you. Hold the door for people. Smile if someone catches your eye. Say thank you. Say please. Give hugs. Compliment people. Compliment yourself. Love yourself. No one will remember what size the pants are you are wearing but they will remember the way you walked in them. So walk softly. Speak boldly. Love gently. Laugh loudly. Call someone if they cross your mind. Allow yourself to be happy for others, and most importantly allow yourself to be happy for yourself, through every stage and step of your life. Be happy. Life doesn’t have to be perfect for it to be perfect.
What do I want people to tell my daughter about me? That I smiled. That I laughed. And most importantly, that I loved. That I loved every single second of every second I was given.
And I hope someone will say the same about you as well.
This article originally appeared at