Mom’s Hilarious Vow About Target Drive-Up Service Is SO Relatable

“No Target,

I will never use your drive up spaces. 
You can’t take away my ability to aimlessly walk around and look at 6,409,371 things when I only came in for bread.
How in the world would I know about the new makeup collection that came out or the newest toys?
What if I didn’t know I needed a new purse or my kids need the cute backpacks you just put on the end isle?!
Or what about the new Magnolia decor?? How dare you take the Magnolia decor away from me!
It may not be cheaper than therapy, but c’mon! What can therapy do for me that Target cannot?!
So, I will NOT be using your order ahead spaces… ever.
Those are for people who have their lives together. Who know exactly what they want.
Who don’t need Target therapy.
I’m not that person.
You can’t take that away from me.

Your best customer”

Excuse me while I post ALLLL the cry-laugh emojis on this one! I could not possible agree more. I NEED my Target therapy time, especially now that all my kids are in school and I can hit that red bullseye paradise SOLO! No so, I won’t be using Target drive up service either. But for you ladies who have crazy babies or toddlers who aren’t great shoppers, I’m very glad it exists for you until such a time as you too can roam those blessed aisles to get two things you need and twelve things you don’t need as well. Godspeed, my Mama friends.

Have you availed yourself of Target drive up service, or are you just gonna stick with doing that deal at a regular grocery store? I’d love to hear what you think!

Jenny Rapson
Jenny Rapson
Jenny is a follower of Christ, a wife and mom of three from Ohio and a freelance writer and editor.

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