It’s a Boy! We Had a Boy…and So Much More

All the while, we had hearts that grew bigger, minds that grew at once sharper and more cloudy, compassion that grew larger, faith that was tested and rewarded, spines that grew straighter. We had inside jokes and knowing smiles and family legends and so much laughter and joy.

We had daytrips and vacations and meals and we had appreciation. We really did! Within the last couple of years, we’ve had the realization that time with our boy under our roof was growing shorter. We’ve had to let go. We (well, really me) had quiet tears after everyone was in bed. We had forehead kisses most every night. (We still do.) We had more worry, more pride.

We’ve had a literal lifetime of love and experiences I never could have guessed, and now I have my heart walking around outside my body in the shape of this man who was once my baby.

And if I could answer those people now, the ones who asked “what are you having?,” knowing what I know now, I would tell them:

We’re having an adventure of a lifetime. We’re having more love and work and promise than we yet understand is possible. We’re having our hearts and faith and strength poured into another person and we’re figuring it out as we go. We’re having a boy!

This article originally appeared at

Kerry Campbell
Kerry Campbell
Bio:  I’m Kerry Campbell, and I’m a Catholic-Christian, music teacher to little ones, church singer, writer, noticer, and Mom to older teens.  I’m letting the details of my life inform my wider view here in the suburbs of Boston, Massachusetts. Find me writing at My Little Epiphanies.

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