When Your Spouse Feels Like a Roommate: The Lie That Will Take Down Your Marriage

I suddenly feel this urgency to reconnect with my husband. My breath starts to quicken as I become angry, realizing that the man who knows my heart better than anyone, the man whom I am building a family with, has started to feel like a roommate.

I’m angry because I let it happen.

Sure, it takes two tango, but someone has to take the first step to get the dance moving.

I am learning more and more to appreciate these seasons in my marriage. When I feel my connection with my husband thinning, I realize God is pricking my heart as his daughter, letting me see that having a husband as a roommate is not what He wants for me or for my husband. That when we go through these seasons which seem harmless, are really precursors to a desert. Getting angry that I let my marriage cycle to this point is God’s red flag to me, gently waving in the distant, calling me back to Him.

It’s a weird dynamic to be angry about becoming distant with my husband yet grateful that I feel a closeness to my heavenly Father, whose voice I hear, whispering in his familiar voice.

The reality is this: when I feel this way with my husband, I more often than not am with this way in my relationship with God.

Morning quiet time with the Creator becomes a routine. Prayer seems formulaic. Talking with the Lord seems exhausting after everything I had to do that day.

And His beckoning to refocus on Him and His truth draw my up into his arms and open my heart to my husband again. I decide to make eye contact with my husband when we do the dishes. I decide to take back my empty chores and take my cell-phone glazed eyes and direct them to my husband, not a roommate.

I decide to take the first step. I decide to take back my marriage.

Before our strong foundation turns to sand.


This article originally appeared at GloryannaBoge.com.

Gloryanna Boge
Gloryanna Boge
Gloryanna used to call herself a runner, but now she is a toddler chaser. She married her high school sweetheart who insists that dirty clothes can be left on the floor. She once was a teacher of teenagers and the greatest thing she taught, she stole from S.E.Hinton who said "Stay gold, Ponyboy, stay gold." She attempts to live this truth by encouraging others with her writing. Catch scribbles of her writing on FacebookTwitter or Instagram.

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