Build-a-Bear Birthday Party Gone Wrong: Mom Forces 6-Yr. Olds to Give Their Creations To HER Daughter

A rightfully confused mom took to Reddit over the weekend with a parenting tale for the books. She titled the post, “Kids birthday party: Is this normal or am I being entitled?” and Y’all, you cannot make this stuff up! This is a Build-a-Bear party gone wrong, so wrong.

The mom detailed an upsetting experience she’d had earlier in the day after taking her 6-year-old daughter to a birthday party at Build-A-Bear Workshop.

Mom Speaks Up After Her Daughter Was Made to Give Her Build-a-Bear Party Stuffed Animal to the Birthday Girl

She explains that the birthday party was attended by eight kids in total and was not run by the store. So instead, they had cake and pizza in the food court before heading over to create their special BAB stuffed animals and closing out the celebration at the birthday girl’s house. The Redditor says she and her husband even pitched in an extra $30 to help offset some of the cost to the birthday party mom.

But things did not go as planned. This was a Build-a-Bear birthday party gone wrong.

Kids birthday party: Is this normal or am I being entitled? from r/Parenting

She says when they got to the store, the kids went “wild” making their animals and picking out all of the accessories. “As far as I know the parents didn’t really put a limit, but I made my daughter stick to just a standard dog with a shirt, which about half the parents did as well,” she says.

As they leave the store, “all is well” she says, until the birthday party mom does something they never saw coming.

“We leave the store, then friends mom announces that the kids need to give all their animals to her daughter,” she says. “Cue the upset and angry kids. They all disappointingly handed over their animals, and friend wasn’t even being nice about it either. Another little boy didn’t want to, and friend ripped it out of his hands.”

“I probably should have said something, but I didn’t,” she admits. “The other parents seemed pretty baffled too.”

But the party didn’t end there, and neither did the agony this mom had willingly inflicted on a group of 6-year-olds.

“We get back to friends house and our kids are watching as friend plays with all her new animals,” she recounts. “I left with my daughter pretty quickly, and once we got back into the car she just started bawling. I felt bad so we went to build a bear and got her a new one.”

You guys, this goes beyond upsetting just the children. These poor parents left the party with a whole new mountain of entitlement to work through with their heartbroken kids.

And what about the extra $30 this Reddit user pitched to help the mom out with the bear she believed her daughter would be taking home? Never mind the fact that they probably ALSO brought a present, having not known the Build-A-Bears would be gifted to the birthday girl. I would have been FURIOUS.

Bri Lamm
Bri Lamm
Bri Lamm is the Editor of An outgoing introvert with a heart that beats for adventure, she lives to serve the Lord, experience the world, and eat macaroni and cheese all while capturing life’s greatest moments on one of her favorite cameras. Follow her on Facebook.

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