My Husband Can Do Things For Himself

It’s kind of a pain.

It’s a burden.

And, well… I just don’t feel like it.

And so, each night, after his 10-hour work day, my husband walked into our bedroom to see a big pile of I-don’t-care-about-you sitting on our bedspread. A pile of perfectly-folded khakis, polo shirts and white undershirts that, to him, made a statement.

You’re not important enough.

And so, I changed.

And it was literally so easy.

The next day while he was at work, I took everything out of his drawers and spent 20 minutes reorganizing them. Nice shorts, workout shorts, polo shirts, casual shirts, everything had its place. There were a few things I thought he’d want to give away, and so I kept those in a pile for him to approve later.

That was it.

And, from then on, I took that extra step and put his clothes away too.

It adds about 60 seconds to my day.

But it makes him feel important.

And that matters.

This article originally appeared at

Janie Porter
Janie Porter
Formerly an Emmy-nominated TV news reporter, Janie Porter is the creator of She Just Glows and (often-unshowered) stay-at-home mama to three boys 5 years old and under. Follow her on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter for more posts about less-than-perfect parenting and finding your inner glow.

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