When You Don’t Know What To Do as a Parent, Do This

Whatever it is you are dealing with… try to do nothing at all until the solution is clear. And of course, invite God into your nothingness — your stillness — and ask him for clarity. He will deliver.

He always does.

Doing nothing is doing something — it’s doing the hard thing — the uncomfortable, the faithful and the patient thing. So trust God, trust time and trust yourself and in the meantime….just do nothing…. picture your problem (whatever it is — person, place or thing) going from your hands straight into God’s embrace… and let go.

The solution will find you at the right time. I promise.

Suzanne Hayes
Suzanne Hayes
Suzanne is a freelance writer whose work has been published on Scary Mommy, Today's Parent, First For Women Magazine, The Girlfriend by AARP and Working Mother Magazine. She is a divorced mom to 3 beautiful children, who often act as inspiration for her writing. She has been sober for 5 years and writes about her journey through and life in recovery from alcoholism. Visit her on facebook @ https://www.facebook.com/SuzanneEileen613/

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