To the Mom Who Is Exhausted, Depressed, and Completely Overwhelmed

Because, in the end, you can never be a super-mom. But, you can serve a super-God. He will make you all that you need to be for your family. He can see you through when you are ready to give up.

4. God told Elijah that He wasn’t finished with him.

After Elijah has been restored physically and spiritually, God gave Elijah his next assignments.

I am so thankful for a God Who doesn’t give up on us! When you feel like you are done, be assured that God isn’t done with you. He will continue to use you for His good purposes until the day that He is ready to welcome you home into His eternal rest.

5. God gave Elijah a friend.

Have you ever felt the intense loneliness of motherhood?

Elijah complained several times to God that he was alone. God’s response? God assured Elijah that, in fact, 7,000 people in Israel had stayed faithful to God. And then, God gave Elijah Elisha, a young man whom Elijah was to train. I am sure that Elisha was a huge help and comfort to Elijah.

Are you surrounding yourself with Christian friends who can walk this parenting journey with you? You won’t survive on your own.

Be humble enough to let your super-mom cape slip a bit and admit to close friends where you struggle. You just might discover that they are struggling in the same areas! It is so helpful to know that we are not alone.

I love how God lifted Elijah back up when he was exhausted, depressed, resentful, and completely overwhelmed! God let Elijah sleep, gave him food, reminded Elijah of Who He is, gave Elijah his next assignment, and provided Elijah with a friend and companion.

I know that God can do the same for you. Will you make this a matter of prayer?

By the way, you can find this whole story in 1 Kings 17-19. It is definitely worth the read!

Do you struggle in any of these areas? Do you find it comforting that even a great prophet of God faced similar feelings? I would love to hear from you.

This article originally appeared Path Through the Narrow Gate, published with permission.

Anna Joy Lowell
Anna Joy Lowell
Anna Joy Lowell is passionate about helping Christian families discover the joys of studying God's Word together. She blogs about Christian parenting and faith at Path Through the Narrow Gate.

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