How to Celebrate Mother’s Day Based on Your Enneagram Type

Type 6s: You are hardworking, dependable, and trustworthy, allowing you to raise obedient and responsible children who promote the common good. You are hyper-vigilant protectors of your kids, constantly scanning the horizon for things that could threaten their safety and security. This Mother’s Day, take a break from your list of responsibilities and disconnect from the news—or other authority sources—so you can enjoy carefree time with your kids. A day with less worry and freedom from your duties will restore your heart.

Type 7s: You are enthusiastic, optimistic, and adventurous. You live life big and are eager to show your children all the new experiences that the world has to offer. You see endless possibilities and innovation all around you. This Mother’s Day, plan a day trip or weekend getaway. This could be a trip with other moms or with your family. Use this time to bring some adventure and spontaneity to your life.

Type 8s: You are big-hearted, assertive, and protective, making your child feel safe from the world. You fiercely adore your children and are willing to go to great lengths to help them succeed. This Mother’s Day, break a sweat! Exercising enables you to process all your feelings. Whether it’s running, hiking, or online boxing, include your kids in the fun. Then end your day with some friendly competition, such as a card or board game.

Type 9s: You are warm, gentle, and non-judgmental, giving your children acceptance and security. Patient and easy-going, you long for harmony and bring a sense of calm and empathy to the relationship. You can sympathize with all points of view, and you ensure your kids are respected and heard. This Mother’s Day, prioritize activities that bring you peace, such as a drive in the country or a quiet spot to read. Use this time to pursue a passion you’ve neglected or been too afraid to start.

Do you always parent this perfectly? Of course not. No one does. But rest assured that you are your child’s parent for a reason. Your personality Type offers your child a unique set of skills and understanding of the world. As a Mother’s Day gift, here is our free parenting ebook. Enjoy your special day! You deserve it.


Beth McCord is an Enneagram expert and Founder of Your Enneagram Coach, one of the most prominent Enneagram programs that helps you discover, explore and become your best self while simplifying the truths of the Enneagram from a biblical perspective. Self-awareness is key to cultivating healthy relationships, and the Enneagram is a tool to help identify why you are the way you are and the motivations behind your tendencies.

This month, Beth is launching Your EnneaPath, a new subscription-based program through which members get exclusive access to blog posts, videos and live teachings to help them become their best-self in 12 months.

Beth McCord
Beth McCord
Beth McCord is an Enneagram expert and Founder of Your Enneagram Coach, one of the most prominent Enneagram programs that helps you discover, explore and become your best self while simplifying the truths of the Enneagram from a biblical perspective. Self-awareness is key to cultivating healthy relationships, and the Enneagram is a tool to help identify why you are the way you are and the motivations behind your tendencies.

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