Dear Baby I Haven’t Met Yet: They Told Me Not to Fall in Love With You Too Quickly

I’ve loved that little microscopic baby growing and sticking to my body in the same way my love will always stick to you.

So, when the outside world says to wait. To protect myself from the pain of the unknown.

I’m saying something a little different. I’m beating to a different drum.

I won’t guard myself from you. I’m not going to protect and hide away my heart from you.

Instead, I’ll love you with my whole heart.

Because no matter what happens, I’ll always be your mama. I’m borrowing you from God.

So, for however long you’re here. I’ll love you with my whole heart. I’ll let myself fall hard.

If I have an easy pregnancy, or one full of complications. I’ll love you with my whole heart. I’ll let myself fall hard.

If you’re born healthy, or born with so many challenges. I’ll love you with my whole heart. I’ll let myself fall hard.

You are entrusted to me. Entrusted to me to love you. No matter what.

I’ve loved you in the past, and I’ll love you in the future. And nothing will ever change that my sweet baby.

Love, Your Mama

Kaleigh Christensen
Kaleigh Christensen
Kaleigh is a former Kindergarten teacher, now Stay at Home Mom and Writer. She loves to authentically encourage others to find the beauty within the mess of motherhood. She writes about various topics, but her most common writings are about Motherhood, Parenting, Marriage, Faith, and Infertility. To read more of her writings on the daily, Like her Facebook Page and follow her on Instagram.

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