Here’s 25 things I wish I knew 25 years ago.
- You aren’t who hurt you, but you can be stronger despite it.
- You aren’t the pain inflicted by others, but you can still heal.
- You’re not the way you were raised, but you can choose to raise your children differently.
- You’re not your addictions, and you can overcome them.
- You’re not who loves you, or even who doesn’t love you. Your worth isn’t based on earthly love.
- You can’t buy love, earn it, or use it. It’s freely given by God.
- Craving affection is a byproduct of past rejection. But no man will ever fill the hole inside your heart. Only God can do that.
- Respect your body. It’s valuable. Clothe it like it is.
- Don’t let anyone’s opinion shape your perception of yourself.
- Make a mistake? It’s done. Learn from it, move on, don’t dwell. We’re not meant to dwell on our missteps.
- No substance can fix your problem, be it chemical, alcoholic, or even a tub of ice cream. When you wake up the next day your problem will still be there.
- The only limits you have are those you put on yourself. If you believe you can’t then you won’t.
- Don’t let anyone tell you that you can’t succeed at something you really want to do.
- Don’t believe that just because something has been a certain way your whole life that it has to stay that way. Be the change.
- Your upbringing, family name, or geographical location doesn’t equate to what you’ll be. Chains were made to be broken.
- It’s not your fault. The bad stuff that’s happened in your life? Don’t waste time trying to place blame on yourself. Instead find healing and move forward.
- Don’t allow your friends or relationships to change you. Stay true to your personality, not that of those you surround yourself with.
- Don’t focus on the bad/sad things. Look closely for the good/happy things, and focus on that.
- Look around and realize that someone has it worse than you, and that you have it better than many. Practice gratitude.
- Realize the impact your words have. Choose them wisely.
- Don’t strive to be a people pleaser. Be a God pleaser. If all is well with your soul then you’re headed in the right direction.
- Put yourself in someone else’s shoes before speaking.
- Don’t spend so much time seeking the compliments of others. They don’t make or break you.
- Integrity matters.
- Don’t sweat the small stuff. And in the grand scheme of eternal thinking, most of it is small stuff.
This article originally appeared at