In today’s filtered world of social media, it’s easy to erase certain imperfections from our images with the tap of a finger. Sometimes, we treat the hashtag “#nofilter” like a badge of honor, using it to proclaim that this picture we are posting is legit. That we are “keeping it real.” And sometimes, we use a filter because we just plain need one. We secretly hope that no one’s going to judge us for using one or needing one, and yet we also secretly judge those who do use them all the time: the same filter, the same pose, the person who only posts when their hair and make up is perfectly done. We judge, we snipe, we get jealous. We get caught in a vicious cycle of comparison and we let it color our view of others as well as of ourselves.
We talk about being authentic, but then we wear authenticity as another badge of honor: something to aspire to and for others to live up to.
Basically, social media has messed us up in 1 million different ways. Comparison and judgment are chief among them. I’ll admit to rolling my eyes at Instagram posts from perfect looking people who only post when they have their fake eyelashes on. But, I think I’m done with that, after reading a Facebook post by blogger Jamie Renee. I just saw it yesterday, but it was posted on September 27 and has since gone viral with over 15,000 shares. Her message “let her do it,” is really resonating with me and a whole lot of other people as well.
Let her do it.
If she uses a Snapchat filter every time she takes a picture, because it makes her feel pretty. Let her…
Posted by Jamie Renee on Thursday, September 27, 2018
Let her do it.
If she uses a Snapchat filter every time she takes a picture, because it makes her feel pretty. Let her do it.
If she smooths out every wrinkle on her face before she posts the picture. Let her do it.
If she wears the same kind of shirt every
day because that’s the one she feels comfortable in. Let her do it.
If she takes gym selfies to track her progress every day. Let her do it.