“Don’t Let Him Board That Flight!” Soldier in Airport Watches Baby Born Over FaceTime

Photo:Haley Lindsey

Haley describes the moment her husband arrived:

When he walked in at 7:20 it was just Millie and me. He picked her up and held her for five minutes and kept saying ‘wow I can’t believe we just had a baby’ but the entire time I was already dreading him leaving 4 days later.

The family was enjoying some quiet time together, but thanks to Facebook the news of Brooks’ dramatic dash to his wife’s side and seeing his baby born over Facetime had spread. “We had random people bringing gifts to our rooms and nurses coming in and thanking Brooks for his service! It has been an amazing, emotional time full of so much support!” Haley says.

baby born over Facetime
Photo:Haley Lindsey

Congratulations to the Lindsey family, and thanks to ALL of you for your service and sacrifice. Please join me in prayers for a safe deployment for Brooks so they can be reunited again soon!

Jenny Rapson
Jenny Rapson
Jenny is a follower of Christ, a wife and mom of three from Ohio and a freelance writer and editor.

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