Every woman who’s ever been pregnant has a birth plan in mind as their due date approaches — or at least an idea of how they’d LIKE things to go. For mom of many Jes Hogan, her 6th pregnancy had been pretty routine, but when it came to that birth plan, little Maxwell had a plan of his own — and it was a FAST-TRACK plan. Thanks to talented photographer Tammy Karin of Little Leapling Photography, Maxwell’s incredible birth photos show that no matter where or how a baby arrives, birth is always breathtakingly beautiful, whether it goes according to plan or not!
Jes explained in an interview with Scary Mommy that she’d been dilated to 3-4 centimeters for a few days but hadn’t progressed. She’d even gone to the hospital once and been sent home. Then, on a Sunday, four days after being sent home, she woke in the middle of the night to one REALLY strong contraction. THEN, her water broke. A panicked Jes realized the baby was coming soon and told her husband it was TIME TO GO.
She says her husband’s calmness was a godsend, and since it was 3 a.m. they made it to the hospital in just under 5 minutes as they lived close and the roads were empty. But Baby Max was coming whether they made it or not, his mom could tell. “As we neared the last turn to the hospital I began screaming that the baby was coming. He honked the horn rapidly as I screamed through the contractions and he pulled quickly into the ER drive,” she says.
Luckily, birth photographer Tammy Karin was nearby and at the hospital just as they arrived to take those birth photos. But first, she started yelling at hospital staff that this baby was coming RIGHT NOW.
And he was.
In the ER hallway, Jes Hogan says, “I know at this point I said something to the effect of, ‘oh god, he’s here.’ Then I started to take my pants off because I could feel my body pushing the baby’s head out.”
I’ll let Karin’s birth photos tell the rest of the story! (I’ll skip over the more graphic ones but you can view the whole BEAUTIFUL set on Little Leapling Photography’s Facebook page!)
Photo by Little Leapling Photography
Photo by Little Leapling Photography