Do you ever feel like you don’t fit in? Like the odd man out. Like somewhere along the way everyone got the memo except for you. Maybe it went to your junk mail or spam filtered it out, but either way you just don’t quite belong.
Do you ever feel like you aren’t enough? Like a train wreck you can’t look away from. A failure. A ticking time bomb of nerves and stress. There are deadlines and appointments. Practices and meal planning. Each thing pulling you in 50 different directions – each reminding you of all the areas you lack.
Do you ever hang your worth on a number or an object? Only to be disappointed in yourself. If I only I could fit into this size. Be this number. Get that promotion … THEN I will be happy. THEN I will feel confident.
Do you ever glance over your shoulder and see the woman next to you absolutely crushing it and wonder, “How does she do it?” How does she stay so motivated and so driven. Only to look at your own life and think, “What am I doing?”
I have. In fact, if I’m being honest I did just yesterday. I have beat myself up and run myself through the ground over something as trivial as how I looked in a photo. I have hung my worth, my God given talents on others perceptions of me. I’ve been told, “I’m a square peg in a round hole” and believed it. I’ve critiqued and disapproved of myself and my shortcomings to the point where I almost made myself sick.
But why? For what? Societal expectations? Please.
Do you ever feel like you don’t fit in? Like the odd man out. Like somewhere along the way everyone got the memo except…
Posted by They Whine, So I Wine on Thursday, July 2, 2020
Day in and day out we are inundated with phrases like ‘find your tribe‘ ‘practice self care‘ ‘find your community’ So we try. We fight so hard to fit in; to find our community and our people. And when we don’t, we feel isolated and disconnected. We wonder why her tribe looks like 10 women when ours looks like one. We shift our focus inward. We start to believe that maybe it’s just us.
But sis, it’s not just you. It’s not just me. It’s EVERYONE. We all feel these things. Even the strongest women doubt themselves. We all have moments where we start to compare. We all have moments when we stare at ourselves in disappointment. We beat ourselves up over every little thing. We get in our own heads and fight like hell to get back out.