This Hilarious MOM GUILT Confession Will Make Your Day, Because TRUTH

Y’all share this. Please? It’s my hope that someone somewhere is stinkin’ it up like me. Thank you and bless.

Posted by Melissa Radke on Thursday, January 26, 2017

One of the constant of motherhood is the ubiquitous “mom guilt,” of course. I mean, you can’t count on much in life to stay consistent, but if you’re a mom, you can count on guilt being your companion for SURE. It actually starts as soon as you pee on that stick and get a positive result, honestly. From “Should I drink coffee while pregnant?” to “What if I forget their dentist appointments??” to “Will they die before age 30 if I don’t buy organic peanut butter?” — the mom guilt struggle is REAL! And, totally, 100% CONSTANT.

That’s why this amazing video from funny mom Melissa Radke (seriously, go like her FB page, you will THANK me!!) made me laugh AND totally resonated with me. Even though I know all moms go through this, it’s still nice to be reminded that I’m not alone. In this funny silent diatribe,  in which Radke uses signs (and pokes fun of herself for doing so) instead of going on one of her trademark funny rants, she outlines all the reasons she’s feeling mom guilt—as well as all the reasons she really shouldn’t.

Radke told TODAY Parents that even though she feels guilty about the little things, she’s confident she’s getting the BIG things right.

Who cares what they’re wearing? Who cares if they get first place? I’m teaching the important things,” she said. “That’s what I tell my young mom friends, to let everything else fall away, but rock it — kill it — at the things that matter.”

Photo: Melissa Radke

Jenny Rapson
Jenny Rapson
Jenny is a follower of Christ, a wife and mom of three from Ohio and a freelance writer and editor.

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