School Brushes Off Mom’s Safety Concerns—So She Gets Herself a Yellow Vest

I have often said that I think moms can solve the world’s problems if given the opportunity; there is no common denominator that helps us understand one another like motherhood! But moms are also amazing at solving practical problems, not just relational ones, and Tennessee mom Danielle Jones is an AMAZING example of just that.

Jones, who is from Memphis, made officials at her kids’ school, Ross Elementary, aware of a serious traffic safety concern at school pickup, but says her concerns were dismissed. Jones told her local news station that at the end of the school day, cars lined up to pick up kids cannot see oncoming traffic if they are exiting the school parking lot to the left.

“These cars are going fast,” Jones told WREG. “When I contacted Shelby County [Schools] security and safety, they sent one car out. That man came and he left. He saw how hectic it was. He didn’t do anything. Something needs to be done before someone gets hurt.”

Jenny Rapson
Jenny Rapson
Jenny is a follower of Christ, a wife and mom of three from Ohio and a freelance writer and editor.

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