Dear Daughters, Sex Is Beautiful and FUN. Here’s Who I Want You to Have It With

Let me tell you about the man that you should look for in this life. Look for a man who is interested in your well being above all else. Look for a man who treasures the gift of your sexuality–I’m not talking about treasuring naked pictures of you or treasuring an unfeeling sex act carried out in shameful secret. Look for a man who adores your sexual gifts so much that he protects them. Look for the man who recognizes how precious you are, body and soul, and who shows you by revering sex as something that should only happen within the safe confines of a loving marriage. And, when you are looking for this man, your dating life should be nothing but demands.

Start now.

In case no one has ever told you, you should be infuriated, incensed, disgusted, and hurt when a boy you hardly know tries to coerce you to have sex. Trust me, dear ones, if you are anything less, then you have far too low a view of yourself.

Sex is fun. It’s beautiful and good. But, don’t make the mistake of being flippant about sex or your body. Don’t settle for being just another member of an uncaring boy’s harem. Look for a man who prizes you and your body, who knows that you are lovingly created in God’s image, and that your body is a gift that belongs to your husband alone. It’s never too late to demand the respect your body and soul deserve. Today is the day. Make some demands, and know your worth.


This post originally appeared at Your Mom Has a Blog.

Melissa Edgington
Melissa Edgington
Melissa Edgington is a Jesus-loving mom of three great kids and a pastor's wife who loves blogging about faith and her life's adventures at the (hilariously named!) Your Mom Has a Blog. You can also catch her on Facebook, Pinterest, and Twitter.

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