The world will tell you that commitment is temporary. In this day of instant gratification and disposable everything, it seems that our word is only good as long as it’s convenient.
If you make a promise, keep it. If you agree to complete a job, do it all the way…and do your best. If you commit to a team, then see it all the way through…even if your experience is lousy, you don’t like the coach, or the team is terrible. Don’t give up. Do it all – the rewarding, the hard, the gratifying, and the impossible. And do it all for his glory.
And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him. Col. 3:17
The world will tell you that your outward appearance gives you your worth. We happen to live in a culture that puts a great deal of value in what people look like. We size people up by what they wear, how pretty they are, how tall-thin-fat-short people are, and if they are wearing their latest fashion. Look no further than most teen’s twitter feeds and you’ll see self-deprecating remarks, and criticism and critique for others a-plenty. We tear each other down instead of build each other up. A compliment for someone else feels like comparison for us. We are in competition…but is it a competition worth winning?
Although all eight of you are beautiful, your worth does not come from outward appearance. Your worth comes because you are sons and daughters of the King. You were created in his image and for his glory. He created you with gifts, talents, and purpose. Your key purpose is to bring him honor through your lives and to tell others about him. You cannot lose your worth by mistakes that you make, sins you commit, or earn it by anything you do. It is inherently yours because you are his. More than any other lesson, I want you to know this.
The Lord does not look at the things people look at. People look at the outward appearance, but the Lord looks at the heart. – 1 Samuel 16:7
If you look away and take your eyes off of Jesus, the world will show you another way. And it’s often more enticing. It seems more exciting and promises happiness and fulfillment. It’s shiny and sparkly and lures you away from a life of God’s promises.
Live with an eternal perspective, babies. If I’ve said it before, I’ll say it again…the one and only choice in this whole life that ever matters in the light of eternity is whether or not you choose Jesus. The End. That’s it. Everything else fades in comparison.
This article originally appeared at