The Rampant Epidemic Affecting our Kids: From Innocence to Entitlement

As a child of the late 70’s and 80’s, my childhood was spent running around outside, performing lip-syncing concerts for my neighbors to the pop beats of Debbie Gibson and Michael Jackson, and collecting more jelly bracelets than I could count. Cabbage Patch Kids and Strawberry Shortcake were among the must-have toys, and while I remember my childhood fondly, was it really an era of “simpler times” and innocence for children? I had no clue that an epidemic was coming to the next generation — from innocence to entitlement.

Since the 1960s, there has been a slight erosion of each generation of children. With each passing one, kids now know more about the world around them and innocence is lost earlier than ever before.

Today’s epidemic among kids and young adults — from innocence to entitlement

It’s the sickness of entitlement and perfectionist syndrome, and it’s rampant.

As an educator for 15 years, I can see that this heart-issue is spreading like wildfire, threatening the attitudes and minds of our future leaders.

The trend of children today

Children are often raised entitled; believing that they are owed “something and everything” from the world around them.

They believe they’re entitled to the finer things in life: technology, vacations, clothes, eating out, and constant entertainment.

Working hard for something is a foreign concept, and many suffer from a poisonous attitude against work.

Ironically, children expect good grades, to be the best at their sport, and to be the center of attention, even if they don’t deserve it.

In an age of selfies and status updates, children tend to be narcissists, believing that life revolves around them.

Sarah Ann
Sarah Ann
Hello, new friends! I'm Sarah Ann, author at Faith Along the Way and lover of deep conversations and authentic friendships. I'm a perfectly imperfect wife and mom, but am saved by grace. With a child on the Autism Spectrum and a toddler, there's never a dull moment in my house! Bargain hunting, promoting health and Young Living Essential Oils are my favorites. I'd be honored if you visited my home on the web, Faith Along the Way where I inspire hope, encourage faith, and celebrate families. And I'd love it even more if you followed me on Facebook, Pinterest, Instagram, Twitter and Google +.

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