The coronavirus has forced the world to stay home and practice social-distancing. Many establishments have closed their doors to keep people from going out and being in close contact with others which may spread the virus. Gyms and other fitness centers have also been forced to remain closed until the pandemic is over and the risk of infection is gone.
While this may affect your gym routine, it doesn’t mean giving up fitness entirely. It just means you need to get creative and start a new exercise habit.
It’s more important than ever that you exercise regularly as it helps build immunity, which is vital for your physical and mental health at this stressful time. We don’t know how long this pandemic will last and how long we will be advised against social gatherings. Fortunately, there are still ways to work out with others while still observing social distancing.
Here are some tips for exercising during self-quarantine.
1. Stay Connected on Your Walk or Run.
Workout buddies are still possible if you set a specific time to walk and talk on the phone simultaneously. You may be separated physically, but staying connected via your phone and earphones can help ensure you both finish your walk or run.
2. Exercise with a Group.
Leverage video chat tools to exercise with your favorite workout buddies. You can exercise with friends and family via video or even organize an online dance party. Find the music you like and dance for half an hour instead of a regular boring cardio workout on your own.
3. Take an Online Fitness Class.
Many fitness classes are also available online. Some are even live-streamed so that you can follow the instructor at home. The only equipment you may need are weights and workout shoes.