Marry The Man You Could Live Without

Marry the man who wakes up next to you every morning and says “Whew, girl…that breath!” You don’t want a partner who is afraid to tell you the truth about your morning halitosis.

Marry the man who knows you love bruschetta and always lets you have the last piece, even though you were supposed to split it evenly.

Marry the man who surprises you with a Kindle instead of jewelry and flowers. He has a deeper understanding of who you are, not the cliches society brainwashes him into thinking you like.

Marry the man who laughs at all of your ridiculous jokes. He finds your strange humor quirky and adorable, not a sign of your immaturity like all of the other men before him believed.

Marry the man who doesn’t press you about your past. He knows you had an entire dating life before him, but he doesn’t pressure you to talk about it. You are with him now, and that’s all that matters. When you’re ready to talk, he’ll be ready to listen.

Marry the man who speaks kindly of others. In turn, marry the man who everyone speaks kindly of. If he is known by his friends and colleagues as a stand up guy, chances are that he will be respectful of you.

Jade North
Jade North
I'm the wife of one (sorry polygamists), mom of two, inching into the 3's (30s). Join me as I struggle to survive marriage and motherhood on limited patience and sleep. Laughter may ensue...most likely at me! Follow me on Facebook and Instagram!

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