1. You can win the applause of the whole world and it doesn’t matter if Jesus isn’t clapping.
2. Not all feelings are TRUTH and not all TRUTH feels good.
3. You are going to have people in life who don’t like you … no matter what you do.
4. There is strength in admitting you’re broken.
5. Everyone has a story, and that story can explain a lot.
6. Marriage sometimes looks like loving the person you don’t always like.
7. Relationships are messy and yet absolutely necessary.
8. Growth doesn’t happen all at once.
9. Christians don’t get a “no struggle” pass; they get a “bear your cross” ticket.
10. There is beauty in being known—the good, the bad and the ugly.
11. Incredible healing can come from confrontation.
12. God still works miracles.
13. Your identity is not found in a mirror.
14. God’s love isn’t based on your performance.
15. Your parents are imperfect people who will sin against you.
16. Happiness and joy are not the same.
17. Saying “no” can be healthy, even if it’s not accepted, applauded or appreciated.
18. Satan is out to destroy you.
19. There is no perfect church because there are no perfect people.
20. Friends who love Jesus help you love Jesus.
21. You can be a Christian and have mental health issues.
22. Being a leader doesn’t always look like being a talker.
23. Heaven won’t be filled with people that look like you; heaven will be filled with people that look like Jesus.