The Body I Always Wanted: Size Mom

So while I may not be able to do 5 pull-ups, I can rock a sick baby. all. night. long.

And while I may be a little squishy around my tummy, my kids have more of me to hug.

And when my arm has a little extra wave when I gesture you hello, I can still play a mean game of hide and go seek. And win.

And although I don’t have a “summer-ready body,” my husband still tells me I’m beautiful every day….and I believe him.

So the next time, dear Facebook friend, you ask me if I want to lose the rest of my baby weight and finally get the body I’ve always dreamed of, I will smile, look over at my babies and reply, “I do have the body I’ve always dreamed of. I’m a size mom. And that’s exactly the size I want to be.”

Lauren Eberspacher
Lauren Eberspacher
Lauren is a blogger and author, living intentionally for Jesus, with a desire to give heartfelt encouragement to the everyday mama and wife. At From Blacktop to Dirt Road, she writes about all things Faith, Farm, and Old Fashioned Homemaking. Growing up in the suburbs of Kansas City, Lauren found herself in love with farm boy from Nebraska, which took her from the blacktop to the dirt road of their grain farm. She is a stay-at-home mom to her three small children, and learn in progress farm wife to her bearded farmer, Eric. Her first book, Midnight Lullabies, Moments of Peace for Moms, releases April 9, 2019.

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