Fighting the Epidemic of Burned-Out Moms: 12 Practical Tips to Reclaim Your Wellness

They’re not alone, for we’re all exhausted on some level. While each mom is unique, there are ways to replenish your reserves and counter feelings of depletion. These thoughts can get you started:

1. Real self-care brings you back to your family as a healthier, stronger, better version of you.

Think about what energizes you. What recharges your battery and makes you feel more like yourself? Maybe it’s tennis lessons, running, or growing a garden. If you’re an introvert you may want to paint alone, and if you’re an extrovert you may prefer coffee with friends. Whatever rejuvenates you is worth your time and energy.

2. Baby steps are key.

Trying to reconstruct your whole life at once will make you want to quit. Instead, focus on habit at a time. Spend a week improving your thought life. A week eating a healthier breakfast. A week controlling your temper or a bad habit you’re trying to break. Keeping it simple and taking it slowly makes it easier to sustain new habits.

3. A motivating motto helps. 

During one super-stressful year, my friend gained 30 pounds. After much frustration, she told herself: Today is the day. She started with one small change – wearing tennis shoes to work – and began by walking 15 minutes during her break. Gradually, she added in other 15-minute walks and worked up to an hour daily. Finding an anthem that speaks to you may inspire action.

4. Your kids like to see you in your element. 

So let them see you laughing with your friends, dreaming up a new business, planning the church chili cook-off, setting a gorgeous table, or performing your high school routine to “Ice Ice Baby” to get the party started. What makes you you and gives you life may one day be some of their favorite childhood memories.

5. You thrive by living out of your strengths.

Are you a glue mom or a glitter mom? Do you create order or creative messes? Do you give great advice or a great listening ear? While it’s good to grow in your areas of weakness, don’t forget to embrace the gifts you bring to the table. Work with your personality, not against it.

6. Negativity that seeps into your heart will eventually seep into your home. 

It will steal your joy, peace, and ability to love. So set boundaries with toxic people and don’t engage in debates online that keep you angry all day. Instead spend time with uplifting people who keep you in a positive headspace for yourself and your family.

7. The perfect mom in your head doesn’t exist.

And mom guilt keeps you stuck in shame. God created you to parent with a spirit of strength, not defeat, so give yourself grace and space to be human. Aim for progress, not perfection.

8. Knowing what your “feel good” is leads to deeper fulfillment. 

Self-care doesn’t have to be expensive or excessive. In fact, the best way to fight burnout is through small routines that calm your soul. A cup of coffee on your porch after dropping kids off at school. Cuddling with your child or dog. Calling a friend instead of texting. Time in nature. A date night with your husband. A deep conversation with your mom. Baking a pound cake for a hurting friend. Devotional time in the morning. Five minutes of prayer or meditation. A job or calling that elevates your joy and taps into your mother’s heart.

Kari Kampakis
Kari Kampakis
Kari Kubiszyn Kampakis is a mom of four girls, as well as an author, speaker, and blogger from Birmingham, Alabama. Her new book for moms, LOVE HER WELL: 10 WAYS TO FIND JOY AND CONNECTION WITH YOUR TEENAGE DAUGHTER, launches August 18 and can be pre-ordered through online retailers. Her two books for teen and tween girls, Liked: Whose Approval Are You Living For? and 10 Ultimate Truths Girls Should Know, have used widely across the country for youth group studies. Join Kari on FacebookTwitter, and The Girl Mom Podcast, or by visiting

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