How to Make a Big Deal Out of Jesus at Thanksgiving

It also served as a testimony to extended family and friends who otherwise thought of Thanksgiving Day as just another day. It gave the holiday purpose.

  • What about when Thanksgiving Day is over?
  • Does Jesus and the spirit of thanksgiving remain in your heart?
  • Do you continue to make much of Him as you prepare for Christmas and beyond?
  • Or is He only there once a year at the Thanksgiving table?

The spirit of Thanksgiving and making much of Jesus needs to be in our thoughts and hearts every single day.

Giving thanks for not only the big moments in our lives or the answered prayers we spent so much time praying over, but in all the little, insignificant moments that make up our days.

Making much of Jesus when we are preparing dinner and giving thanks for the modern conveniences of cooking a meal.

Making much of Jesus when we are taking a warm shower, giving Him thanks for running water.

Making much of Jesus when our car breaks down and being thankful we have a cell phone to call for help.

Making much of Jesus as we tuck our little ones in at night, thanking Him for the gift of children, when many suffer from infertility.

“Whatever you do in word or deed, do all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through Him.” Colossians 3:17

Here are 5 ways to make much of Jesus as a part of your everyday life:

1. Keep a Thankful Journal.

Write down what you are thankful for every day, giving Jesus the glory.

2. Appreciate Someone.

When you are having a complaining, grumpy day, find one person who you can show a little appreciation to. It can be with a kind word or deed.

3. Share the Love.

Offer yourself up to bless other people. Give a gift or make a card for someone who is going through a rough time. Collect items for a food shelf, or donate gently used toys to a shelter.

4. Volunteer.

There is so much need in the world. Even a couple of hours a week can make a difference in a life. Make much of Jesus by giving of your time.

5. Thank God Before You Sleep.

If keeping a thankful journal is not your thing, at least thank God every night before you lay your head down to sleep for three things you are thankful for from your day.

He hears every one of them.

Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.
It turns what we have into enough, and more….
It turns problems into gifts, failures into successes,
the unexpected into perfect timing,
and mistakes into important events.
                                – Melody Beattie

As we gather together this Thanksgiving, let us make much of Jesus in both our heart and our spirit and be the blessed testimony to those He puts in our path.


This post originally appeared at, published with permission.

Michelle Streeter
Michelle Streeter
Michelle Streeter is a married mom of 3 grown daughters and devoted Grammie to two precios kids. She blogs at Grammie Time remembering to let these words guide her in everything she  writes; “Let everything you say be good and helpful, so that your words will be an encouragement to those who hear them.” Ephesians 4:29 NLT

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