“I see you”
We need to have individuality, not tied into our home and work lives. This is what friendship brings.
A time to just be yourself with other like-minded individuals. People who won’t judge you. They find ways to laugh with you about the things you want to cry about.
We desperately need women to walk hand-and-hand with us through this stage of life. We need them to find the joy in this stage. We need to be able to bear our hearts to someone not connected with a “hat” we are wearing.
This is the KEY to joy in mothering….having a tribe, or just one person who can walk with you.
If you are reading this and feel sad that you don’t currently have this. Do not beat yourself up. Most people don’t have this. The ones that do are very intentional about it.
I am spread super thin with running a business, church, the boy’s schoolwork, extracurricular activities, trying to be a great wife, cleaning, cooking, and so much more. I know I am not alone.
I also realize my need for close mom friends in this time of life. I schedule time to intentionally connect with my close girlfriends. Whether it is with our families, going out to dinner just us, or taking a walk together. I schedule it into my calendar just like everything else.
Take that step, mama…Reach out to that friend, get together and share your heart about life. Share the good and the bad. You will go back to your family even more refreshed, more joyful, and feeling more balanced than you ever could trying to hold all of those “hats” equally!